Playhouse Northwest Acting School
Located in West Seattle - (206) 919-7407
Playhouse Northwest Acting School is excited to announce that WE ARE EXPANDING! We have had so much excitement about Playhouse NW that we decided not to be bound to one location. Playhouse NW is now a school that travels across the Pacific Northwest and opens its doors to people from Seattle, Washington to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho!
Our reputation for excellence will continue and now we will be able to reach more people! In Seattle, we’ve found a better venue that’s more appropriate for acting, theater, and film! Our traveling school will go across the Northwest to better serve the needs of our acting community, without the limitations of geographic boundaries.
We will continue to be a school with a diverse curriculum and stellar guest instructors. We will update our curriculum based on the needs and interests of the community. And if you’re an instructor interested in teaching a class at Playhouse Northwest, please email Lisa Skvarla at: [email protected].
Our classes are open to people who live in the Pacific Northwest, and people who are planning to visit. Check out our spring and summer schedules. To register or for more information, call 206-919-7407 or check out the Playhouse Northwest website at playhousenw.com
Seattle Location for PHNW Classes:
Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
4408 Delridge Way SW
Seattle, WA 98106
Spokane/Idaho Location for PHNW Classes:
Liberty Lake Community Theatre
22910 E. Appleway Ave.
Liberty Lake, WA 99019
Meisner Acting Playdate! June 6th, Youngstown Cultural Arts Center 6:15-8:45 PM $40
Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
Meisner Acting Classes. April 18th -June 12th – Sold Out/ Closed
Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
Kids and Teen On -Camera Acting Workshop. Saturday, June 1st 1:00-5:00 PM $75 6-12 years old
Adult Meisner Acting Playdate Sunday, June 2nd 1:00-5:00 PM $40 13+
Liberty Lake Community Theater
(Spokane/ Idaho)
Summer Theater Camp and Performance “A Mixed Up Fairy Tale”
June 17th- 24th. 9:00-3:00 PM. For more information or to enroll please go to www.libertylaketheatre.com
Liberty Lake Community Theater
Kids Half and Half Camp! (1/2 Acting 1/2 Martial Arts) $225
June 24th-28th 9:00-3:00 PM
Liberty Lake Community Theater
Meisner Acting Playdate! $40
August 24th 10am-1:00 PM
Liberty Lake Community Theater
Meisner Acting Classes. Fall Quarter (9 weeks) October 2nd – December 7th 6:15-8:45pm.
Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
(Cle Elum WA)
Regional Playhouse Northwest Acting School Fall Potluck Party!
All are welcome! Includes morning class, afternoon BBQ, and Open Mic entertainment on a stage surrounded by 25 acres of beautiful mountain scenery! Not to be missed.
October 5th 10:00- 4:30 PM. Optional overnight campout included.
Starlight Amphitheater
To register for any of these events or for more information call the PHNW office at 206-919-7407 or visit playhousenw.com.
Hope to see you soon!
Professionally yours,
Playhouse Northwest Acting School
[email protected]
Playhouse Northwest Acting School – (206) 919-7407
Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
4408 Delridge Way SW
Seattle WA 98106